REset & REstore

Video Library

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Enjoy your living library of MVMT THERAPY videos tailored to accompany my signature program: REset &REstore; a self myofascial release series for holistic healing.

Simply scroll through the page or type in a key word in the search button to find a video that you would like to practice. For example, if you are experiencing low back pain, type in “back” and any videos associated with the spine will pop up. Videos range from 3 - 90 minutes and range from a single body part to an entire movement class (pre-recorded). Enjoy and stay tuned to your email for future promotions and ways to work with me.

Til then, happy exploring your fascinating fascia!

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You will need a Rad Roller Centre ball and Rad Roller XL ball for most of the movements in the following videos.

You can order yours with my affiliate link here.